Terri Reid's Attic shares a fan favorite story from Physicians' Untold Stories

Terri Reid from Terri Reid's Attic shared one of my favorite stories from Physicians' Untold Stories on her website. See the post below:


Last Friday, I met up with two of my favorite authors, Ophelia Julien and Donnie Light. We, along with our spouses, got together for dinner and conversation.  (Kudos to the folks at Panera in DeKalb, Illinois for putting up with us.)  During dinner, Ophelia told me about a hospital-sponsored program that she thought I would have loved, about medicine and spirituality. The guest speaker was Scott J. Kolbaba, MD and he is the author of “Physicians’ Untold Stories.”  After hearing some of the stories, I wrote to Dr. Kolbaba and he graciously allowed me to share a couple of his stories on my blog. I’ve since purchased his book and the stories are amazing and heart-warming. So, without further ado, let me share with you the stories that caught me – hook, line and sinker.

The young man had come from a family of doctors. His grandfather had been a doctor, his father was a doctor and he decided that he was going to be a doctor too.  He worked hard through medical school and his residency.  Finally, he got his first job in California. On the day before he was to start, he called his father. “Dad, I’ve finally become a doctor,” he said with pride.

“No, son, you are not a doctor yet,” was his father’s disappointing reply.

Hurt, and a little angry, the young doctor replayed the conversation over and over in his mind. And, he was still thinking about it as he drove to his first day of work the next morning. But, that thought was pushed out of his mind when he saw a young boy standing on the corner of the street, frantically waving him down and motioning him down the side street.

He turned down the street and his heart dropped. A school bus accident was right before him and it looked like he was the first responder.

With the help of area residents, he helped get the children off the bus and quickly assessed their injuries and stabilized them before moving on to the next victim.  Finally, he moved from curbside into the bus to locate any other children.  In the crumpled and twisted front of the bus, he saw a body.  He hurried forward, but could tell that the little boy had not survived the crash. He felt for the pulse that he knew, instinctively, would not be there and then he gently turned the child over. A cold chill ran through his body as he recognized the child. He was the same little boy who had been standing on the corner, frantically waving for help.

Later, he called his father and told him about the incident.  At the end of the conversation, his father said, “And now, my son, you are a doctor.”

This is an excerpt directly from the book and David Mochel, MD was the doctor who shared this story.

She was dead; no question. Eyes closed, no pulse, no heartbeat, no respirations, no movement, and unresponsive. I don’t know how it happened. It was a routine ankle surgery. Mary was given general anesthesia and went to sleep, but when her antibiotic was given intravenously, she arrested. Her monitor showed a flat line, and I immediately called a “Code Blue.”

The operating room was suddenly filled with people. Out scrub nurse initially started to do CPR, but Mary was over three hundred pounds, and my nurse was not tall enough to adequately do compressions. One of the OR techs with striking red hair rushed in from the room next door and took over. Young and relatively inexperienced, the red-headed tech was not doing the compressions well enough to generate a pulse, so I asked him to step aside. He did not move. I asked him again, but again, no movement.

I still couldn’t feel a pulse. In the heat of the moment, politeness is sometimes compromised. I gently, but firmly, elbowed him out of the way. The tech stumbled away, and I took over. I had to do the compressions forcefully in order to achieve a pulse and, in so doing, I felt her sternum and possibly one rib crack. After several minutes and some cardia meds given intravenously, Mary regained a heartbeat and started to breathe on her own. She did not wake up until after she was transferred to the intensive care unit. Cardiologists took over and multiple tests were done, including a coronary angiogram, but nothing revealed the cause of her arrest. We assumed it was a reaction to the antibiotic.

Mary was a little dazed for several days, but she eventually recovered, and, after one week, she was ready to be discharged. I stopped in on her last day to give some final instructions about the care of her ankle.

“Thank you for saving my life,” she said in almost a whisper.

I thanked her for her kindness, but told her it really was a team effort.

“No,” she said. “I know it was you! I watched you from above the operating room. When my heart stopped, I could feel myself floating above my body, and I watched everything. I saw the young orderly with the bright red hair come in from the next door and do CPR, and then I saw you elbow him out of the way since he would not move when you asked him. You saw him stumble away, didn’t you?”

Her statement gave me goosebumps. There was no way she would have known this unless she was right there observing everything in the room.

There’s a little bit more to this story, but because of space I’m not going to share it all. However, the doctor does go on to say that there was no way she could have discovered what had happened from anyone else.

You can find Dr. Kolbaba’s book on Amazon –  For some wonderful, feel good miracle experiences, I highly recommend it!

Happy Friday!!!

Interview with Jeff Blackburn from Fearless Questions

I had a wonderful conversation with Jeff Blackburn from Fearless Questions. We talked about whether a higher power plays an active role in our daily lives and the amazing occurrences that happen everyday to people all over the world. Listen to the episode HERE

Episode 18: Dr. Scott Kolbaba

by Jeff Blackburn

Have you ever lived through a set of circumstances that seemed amazing and deeply meaningful for you personally, but left you completely unable to explain those moments away without thinking that a higher power was involved?

If so, you aren’t alone.

Today on the podcast I’m talking with Dr. Scott Kolbaba who has been practicing medicine for 35 years.  Self-described as ‘just an ordinary Doc’, Scott wrote his new book “Physicians Untold Stories” after encountering personal experiences of the divine intersecting his life and then hearing different friends of his in the medical community who shared their own unexplained stories of seeming coincidence and even miraculous healing.  Dr. Kolbaba is an internist in private practice in Wheaton, Illinois. He graduated from the University of Illinois College of Medicine with honors and did his residency at Rush Presbyterian-Saint Lukes Medical Center in Chicago and at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He has been awarded membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society and has been featured in Chicago magazine as a “Top Doctor” in internal medicine.

Dr. Kolbaba identifies himself as a Christian, but this book isn’t out to convert anyone.  In fact, it’s his matter-of-fact telling of the stories experienced by him and his medical colleagues along with their observations of encounters with the Divine that are the most compelling aspect of the book.  The doctors involved have all been willing to attach their names to their stories…which I found to be one of the most interesting aspects of speaking with Scott.  The doctors range widely in practice, Including: E.R., Cardiology, Family Practice, General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Palliative Care, Infections Diseases, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neurosurgery, and Chiropractic.

Scott shares that it’s his hope that anyone who reads his book and hears the stories he relays will know with significant certainty that there is something more in this life than we can see with our eyes. 

Whether sharing stories of miraculous healing, out of body experiences, experiences of divine providence, comatose patients impossibly remembering interactions with others during their coma, or hearing from loved ones already passed…the stories will stir-up some sort of personal reaction from you.

For some, conversation of miracles and healing are the stuff of tall tales and wishful thinking.  But when this many doctors are willing to share their stories…without trying to guarantee causation, but simply share their experiences that point to a Divine…well…I think it’s worth setting aside our assumptions for a moment and to listen in.

I think this conversation might be especially helpful for those folks who have had similar experiences in their own lives.  It might even give you courage to share your story with others (Dr. Kobaba has a link on his website where you can share your story).

You might even hear words shared in today’s episode that remind you of some phrases in Scripture: 

“Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?”

“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son?”

I hope you enjoy today’s episode and that it sparks new questions for you.


Dr. Kolbaba and Physicians' Untold Stories Featured on Deeper Down The Rabbit Hole

Dr. Kolbaba was recently invited to appear on Deeper Down The Rabbit Hole podcast.  In The interview, Dr. Kolbaba enthusiastically discusses his experiences in writing Physicians' Untold Stories, a few stories from the book, and the overall message that the book brings to the world.  

The podcast can be heard HERE